About PIS

International School Of Cambodia

Our Mission

The mission of PIS is to enable its students to develop strategies for the acquisition of the knowledge, skills, and values.

They will need to participate meaningfully in our globally
integrated society. This will be accomplished through a distinctive Montessori approach embodying individualized guidance and support, mixed age grouping, a well trained Montessori teacher, an international curriculum, a well prepared classroom environment, and a complete set of specialized Montessori
educational materials that are approved by the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI).

Our Vision

PIS goal is to give each student the foundation of
basic skills needed in order to succeed in today’s world and, at the same time, to stimulate the urge to learn, to explore, and to develop individual talents.

Our approach to educating our students is:

  • to challenge them to challenge themselves
  • to surround them with the possibilities of success
  • to train them early and well to completely and effectively use the abilities they possess and the skills we can teach them
  • to help them use these abilities and skills to acquire knowledge and articulate that knowledge to their best advantage.


The benefits of TaeKwonDo training will help children boost their self esteem, give them better self discipline and control, help them in social situations, keep them active and  more physically fit, have and show respect for others, teach them the lessons learned from failing, give them goals to shoot for as well better focus and last but not least shows them how to work with others.

  • Lan Lowden
  • Daniel Harding
  • Sen Piseth
    Teacher Assistant
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  • acc1
    Teacher Assistant

    Ruth Richie Teacher

  • acc2
    Teacher Assistant

    Ruth Richie Teacher

  • Lim Bunarith
    Teacher Assistant

    Ruth Richie Teacher

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  • reception.1
    Office Staff

    Ruth Richie Teacher

  • Cambodia Education
    Office Staff

    Ruth Richie Teacher

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